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Shocker! Jobe makes sudden exit as National Biodiesel Board CEO

May 5, 2016 | Jim Lane

In Missouri, the National Biodiesel Board announced that after nearly 20 years of service to the association, CEO Joe Jobe has left the organization to pursue other opportunities. The board will begin the search for a permanent replacement immediately.

Industry reaction

Tributes have started to flow in from across the biodiesel spectrum.

“The Board of Directors would like to thank Jobe for his years of service, and wish him best in his future endeavors,” the National Biodiesel said.

“Joe Jobe has been a passionate and fierce advocate for the biomass-based diesel industry,” said Renewable Energy Group CEO Dan Oh. “Year in and year out, he did not relent from promoting and defending the tremendous environmental, energy security, food security and economic benefits gained from our products across the country and our value chain. He is a true advocate for and supporter of America’s advanced biofuel, and for that we owe him a large debt of gratitude and know he will do well in whatever he next chooses to do.”

“I want to thank the National Biodiesel Board for giving me the opportunity to work in an industry that is helping to change the world,” Jobe said.  “I love this industry – the hard-working people, the visionary leaders, and the product that I will continue to use every day. Now is a good time for me to pursue a different path.  Biodiesel is positioned to lead the carbon reduction goals of the nation and I can’t wait to see what biodiesel does next.”

Jobe started with NBB in 1997 and was named CEO in 1999.  In that time, he helped lead the industry from 200,000 gallons of biodiesel use to over 2 billion gallons projected in 2016.

The Digest’s Take

It may take some time to figure out exactly why Joe left now, but one thing is clear, he’ll be hugely missed by many. The Digest has watched the biomass-based diesel revolution that made biodiesel America’s favorite advanced biofuel, on his watch, and Jobe was at the center of almost every significant industry-wide activity. A leader with a list of achievements as long as your arm, and a very likable guy.

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